United Nations Security Council Resolution 1457

UN Security Council
Resolution 1457
Date: 24 January 2003
Meeting no.: 4,691
Code: S/RES/1457 (Document)

Vote: For: 15 Abs.: 0 Against: 0
Subject: The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Result: Adopted

Security Council composition in 2003:
permanent members:


non-permanent members:

Ruandese workers at the Kisanga copper mine

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1457, adopted unanimously on January 24, 2003, after recalling resolutions 1291 (2000), 1304 (2000), 1323 (2000), 1332 (2000), 1341 (2001), 1355 (2001), 1376 (2001), 1417 (2002) and 1445 (2002) on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Council condemned the plundering of natural resources in the country and requested a six month mandate for a panel investigating the issue.[1]




The Security Council reaffirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other states in the region, and particularly its sovereignty of natural resources on its territory. It reiterated its commitment to put an end to the plundering of resources in the country in support of the peace process. The situation in the country continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the African Great Lakes region.[2]


There was a report from the expert panel that investigated illegal exploitation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's natural resources. It condemned the exploitation of natural resources as a major factor fuelling the conflict in the region, and all states were called upon to end the illegal activities.[3][4] The Council stressed that the complete withdrawal of foreign troops and the establishment of an inclusive transitional government were important steps in ending the plundering of the country's natural resources.[5]

The resolution recognised the importance of natural resources for the future of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and urged international financial institutions and organisations to establish structures to control resource exploitation. The relationship between the illegal plundering of natural resources and the continuation of the conflict warranted further investigation, and therefore the Secretary-General Kofi Annan was requested to give an investigative panel a six month mandate to further examine the issue and make recommendations.[6] Individuals, companies and countries were invited to respond to the previous investigative report by March 31, 2003 and for the reactions to be published upon request.

Finally, countries were encouraged to conduct their own investigations into the findings of the expert panel and action taken in this regard by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe was welcomed by the Council.

See also


  1. ^ "Security Council condemns plunder of Democratic Republic of Congo's resources, requests new six-month mandate for investigative panel". United Nations. January 24, 2003. http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2003/sc7642.doc.htm. 
  2. ^ Hilaire, Max (2005). United Nations law and the Security Council. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 233. ISBN 978-0754644897. 
  3. ^ Miskel, James F.; Norton, Richard J. (2003). "The intervention in the democratic republic of Congo". Civil Wars 6 (4): 1–13. doi:10.1080/13698240308402552. 
  4. ^ Human Rights Watch (2005). Democratic Republic of Congo, the curse of gold, Volume 2. Human Rights Watch. ISBN 978-1564323323. 
  5. ^ Clément, Jean A. P. (2004). Postconflict economics in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. International Monetary Fund. p. 57. ISBN 978-1589062528. 
  6. ^ "DR of Congo: UN panel on illegal exploitation of resources gets new 6-month mandate". United Nations News Centre. January 24, 2003. http://www.un.org/apps/news/storyAr.asp?NewsID=5970&Cr=DR&Cr=. 

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